Article marketing give you leverage and that is a critical aspect of generating free traffic. If you have a blog, your own readers and those who happen to find your blog may well take your direction and go to your web page, or other offer.
If instead of just posting a relevant post to your blog, you also reword it slightly to a more third person conversation as opposed to a second person style appropriate to a blog, (ie Me to You Conversation) and post it on the article directories, you can get not just your blog post to generate traffic but have the possibility to get other blog posters and ezine editors to run your post on their blogs.
Then you get their traffic as well as your own, plus and this is a big plus, you can generate backlinks not only from the article directories which usually have pretty good page ranks and the backlinks from any blog or ezine that picks your article up.
If they pick up your article, its probably because they think it is relevant to their readers, which means that the blog or ezine they post on is also seen as relevant in Google's eyes, which in turn means it is more likely to be considered a valuble back link.
Article marketing is a powerful way to build traffic to your sites for free. Check out this blog dedicated to article marketing.
Article Marketing Hints